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U.S.S. Enterprise-A (Perdriau design)
By Raul Mamoru

Example rendering of U.S.S. Enterprise-A (Perdriau design) 3D model available as free mesh download
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Author:Raul Mamoru
Comments:This is an original design of the NCC-1701A, as created by Spencer J Perdriau (see also in the forums). Raul has modelled his design to his usual very high quality for you to enjoy. Please, (refer to the Readme), credit goes to both Spencer and Raul.

Update May 2015:

The 3DS version now available, no longer has the normals alignment problem that exists with the OBJ version. For compatibility reasons, the OBJ version is still here. It should be renderable in many programs, though you may have to change rendering options to render 2-sided, or to re-align normals during rendering. Check the possibilities of your software if you have trouble with the OBJ version, and you cannot load the corrected 3DS version.

Update September 2015

Spencer has now released the finalised version with finetuning by HardWire productions. This separate download is below.

3D Studio Legacy (3DS or PRJ file) (3DS, 11.06 MB) 2034 downloads since 21st of March 2015.
3D Studio MAX (MAX, 6.29 MB) 1104 downloads since 21st of March 2015.
Wavefront OBJ (OBJ, 4.36 MB) 162 downloads since 21st of March 2015.
Additional MAX2011 reworked version (87.46 MB) 55 downloads since 21st of March 2015.
Textures:For non-reworked MAX and OBJ versions. (5.67 MB)
Note:OBJ may have normals alignment problem in some software. Additional MAX2011 Version reworked by Luke Wilkins and relighted by Chris Adams (HardWire productions)., Overview of all 3D meshes, Privacy and cookie policy