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U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (Abrams)
By Ricky "MadMan1701A" Wallace

Example rendering of U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (Abrams) 3D model available as free mesh download
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Author:Ricky "MadMan1701A" Wallace
Conversions:Max conversion by Dave Metlesits
Comments:This is the Enterprise as seen in the alternate, or new universe created by J.J. Abrams. Modelled by MadMan in Blender, there is a tweaked version available as well as a MAX conversion.
3D Studio MAX (MAX, 17.74 MB) 16703 downloads since 5th of February 2014.
Blender (free) (blend, 31.8 MB) 218 downloads since 5th of February 2014.
Blender modified version by TCB5000 (28.82 MB) 131 downloads since 5th of February 2014., Overview of all 3D meshes, Privacy and cookie policy