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Nova class U.S.S. Equinox
By Raul Mamoru

Example rendering of Nova class U.S.S. Equinox 3D model available as free mesh download
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Author:Raul Mamoru
Conversions:Lightwave conversion by Sam Wich
Comments:This mesh of the Nova class boasts the U.S.S. Equinox name as seen in the Voyager episode of the same name. A slower, Warp 8, science vessel that got stranded in the Delta quadrant well before Voyager.

The Lightwave conversion by Sam has the option of having no registration, or the registration USS Resolution. Aside from that it is a clean, straight conversion.

3D Studio MAX (MAX, 8.04 MB) 3440 downloads since 17th of March 2013.
Lightwave 3D (LWO, 40.74 MB) 3092 downloads since 17th of March 2013.
Wavefront OBJ (OBJ, 10.21 MB) 160 downloads since 17th of March 2013.
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