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U.S.S. Stargazer
By Raul Mamoru

Example rendering of U.S.S. Stargazer 3D model available as free mesh download
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Author:Raul Mamoru
Comments:Originally Raul started this project to help a computer game project. A low-poly and high-poly version were released, but the game got cancelled. But fortunately Raul finished the high-poly version and with this fantastic result! And he still released the low-poly version for those that might still be looking for this type of mesh.

For those that had problems opening the 3DS version, Raul has included an OBJ version to help out.

In addition, Catherine3678a has created and uploaded a CR2 version, and Matthew released a Poser Prop version of the mesh, many thanks!

Further conversions as per March 2014, thanks to TCB5000 for his Blender conversion of this mesh!

3D Studio Legacy (3DS or PRJ file) (3DS, 14.06 MB) 1963 downloads since 28th of April 2011.
3D Studio MAX (MAX, 17.12 MB) 1622 downloads since 28th of April 2011.
Blender (free) (blend, 49.66 MB) 146 downloads since 28th of April 2011.
Poser (PSR, 22.89 MB) 51 downloads since 28th of April 2011.
Wavefront OBJ (OBJ, 13.82 MB) 111 downloads since 28th of April 2011.
CR2 format (15.96 MB) 17 downloads since 28th of April 2011.
Low poly Constellation generic MAX (7.52 MB) 14 downloads since 28th of April 2011.
Low poly Constellation generic 3DS (7.39 MB) 19 downloads since 28th of April 2011.
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