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Intrepid Shuttlebay for Sarod's Intrepid
By S-Stephen

Example rendering of Intrepid Shuttlebay for Sarod
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Comments:S-Stephen created two additions to Sarod's Intrepid mesh. The first is the animated landing gear add-on, which is for download together with the mesh itself, and second is this shuttlebay interior. This is listed as a seperate mesh as you don't need to use it with Sarod's ship. However, if you load Sarod's ship, and then load this mesh into it, you'll find it's a perfect fit. As Sarod's ship already has an animated door, you can easily do animations like this one (3.3 MB)! For credit, please remember it's S-Stephen that made this shuttlebay mesh, and Sarod that did the Intrepid mesh.
3D Studio Legacy (3DS or PRJ file) (3DS, 1.54 MB) 5188 downloads since 7th of April 2006.
3D Studio MAX (MAX, 1.67 MB) 2656 downloads since 7th of April 2006., Overview of all 3D meshes, Privacy and cookie policy