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Shuttlebay 2 Interior
By Kenny Mitchell

Example rendering of Shuttlebay 2 Interior 3D model available as free mesh download
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Author:Kenny Mitchell
Comments:LWO Version is newer revision including error correction and new texturing. The older MAX and 3DS versions are outdated. LWO is recommended

The interior of Shuttlebay 2, drawn from photos and DVD caps of TNG. Includes the control area, openable door and shuttlebay exit. LWO is the original format, the MAX conversion has lights and camera's ready, the 3DS version is the mesh only.

3D Studio Legacy (3DS or PRJ file) (3DS, 80.1 KB) 4922 downloads since 4th of May 2004.
3D Studio MAX (MAX, 111.74 KB) 3230 downloads since 4th of May 2004.
Lightwave 3D (LWO, 1.08 MB) 3536 downloads since 4th of May 2004.
Textures:For all versions. (1.43 MB), Overview of all 3D meshes, Privacy and cookie policy