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By Mike Wright

Example rendering of Warbird 3D model available as free mesh download
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Author:Mike Wright
Comments:The first Romulan Warbird te be released in the public domain that's of a good quality. Now Mike did overdo the textures somewhat, they were all in 24 bits colour while most of the didn't even use more than 256. So I did a low-res map version with 8 bit maps to make the mesh renderable. Still you will need alot of memory to load it! I have rendered thesame picture with both versions with no visible difference.

The 24 Bits version was on Mike's site which is no more now, so only the 8-Bits version is now available here.

The MAX version is better than the 3DS or LWO versions.

3D Studio Legacy (3DS or PRJ file) (3DS, 1.93 MB) 5533 downloads since 24th of February 2004.
3D Studio MAX (MAX, 1.24 MB) 3279 downloads since 24th of February 2004.
Lightwave 3D (LWO, 1.49 MB) 2680 downloads since 24th of February 2004.
Textures:8-Bits textures for all versions (4.64 MB), Overview of all 3D meshes, Privacy and cookie policy