The Star Trek Meshes and 3D objects collection

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Deep Space Nine
By Dave Charnow

Example rendering of Deep Space Nine 3D model available as free mesh download
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Author:Dave Charnow
Conversions:Conversion to MAX by 7 of 9.
Comments:This mesh is equal to Jörg Gerlach's; don't be mislead by the size! It's a super accurate CGI model, which renders very quickly. Thanks to Jelmer Baas for bringing it to me... Twice :).
3D Studio Legacy (3DS or PRJ file) (3DS, 1.2 MB) 11550 downloads since 24th of February 2004.
3D Studio MAX (MAX, 1.36 MB) 6549 downloads since 24th of February 2004.
Lightwave 3D (LWO, 714.03 KB) 5285 downloads since 24th of February 2004., Overview of all 3D meshes, Privacy and cookie policy