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U.S.S. Dauntless
By Dominic Zschokke

Example rendering of U.S.S. Dauntless 3D model available as free mesh download
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Author:Dominic Zschokke
Conversions:Conversion to 3DS and MAX by Erik Timmermans
Comments:Read the ReadMe.htm!
This model was originally released by Dominic, with the LWO version for download on his site. His site is down now, so I posted the original LWO archive here.The LWO version is what was used for the small thumbnail, the large one above is the 3DS/MAX version. As you can see, the LWO version has better effects.
3D Studio Legacy (3DS or PRJ file) (3DS, 187.34 KB) 5138 downloads since 24th of February 2004.
3D Studio MAX (MAX, 226.55 KB) 3042 downloads since 24th of February 2004.
Lightwave 3D (LWO, 1.39 MB) 2164 downloads since 24th of February 2004.
Textures:For 3DS and MAX versions only. (1.13 MB), Overview of all 3D meshes, Privacy and cookie policy